Meet the team

Meet The Team: Evin

Meet the team


Welcome to Meet the Team Monday! Every Monday we’ll be giving you a bit of behind the scenes access to the people that make Call Pal happen. We have asked each member of staff to give us a quick bio on themselves and for a bit of added fun we also asked them a number of quick fire  random questions. This week we introduce to you, Evin!

This week we are focusing on Evin 


I am originally from Tullamore, Co Offaly, Living in Galway the past 4 years and working for Avita, Sleepless and Call Pal the past year and a half. As a qualified Personal Trainer I have a strong interest and passion for fitness and nutrition .

I was the one who got the free chocolate banned from the office!!




What was your favourite book growing up?

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone

Where would you visit now, if you had the chance?


What is your dream car?

Ford Mustang

Weapon of choice?


Work out preferences?

Caffeine and loud music.

Green tips for an environmentally friendly office space

It’s a New Year here at Gray Office Park and one of our main goals is to build a environmentally friendly office space. In the spirit of that resolution, here are some tips you can employ to make your office and even your temporary ‘work-from-home’ space more environmentally friendly.

Paper Free Zone

  • A truly environmentally friendly office is a paper free one. That my not be a feasible solution for our office but here are some ideas that could help you reduce your paper usage:
  • Keep things digital wherever possible. For example, you could get into the habit of reviewing digital documents on screen as opposed to printing them.
  • File sharing through platforms such as Google Docs or Dropbox is a great way of virtually eliminating the need to print documents.
  • And finally, why not share your company news through a digital newsletter? Not only will it minimise your carbon footprint, it will also reduce any costs associated with printing and / or distributing your newsletters.

Firmly Planted

Don’t underestimate the benefits that come with having fresh cut flowers and plants in your office. The increased oxygen they produce helps to counteract any chemicals in the air from cleaning products, office furniture etc. And let’s face it, there’s something about having fresh flowers and plants in your office that makes for a happier work space.

Naturally Lit

Making the most of any natural light you have available is a smart way to reduce your existing electricity bill. You can further enhance the effect of your natural lighting by using light wall colours, and high gloss sheens which will reflect daylight. In addition to reduced electrical billing, having access to natural light has is physically beneficial as it helps produce much needed Vitamin D as well as regulate your sleep cycles.

Keep It Clean

Switching to cloth towels will greatly reduce the amount of paper waste in any office and using eco-friendly cleaning products will lessen the presence of any harmful chemicals in an office keeping everyone much healthier.

Keep It Contained

Water, water everywhere but is what we are drinking it out of environmentally friendly? Bottled water is certainly convenient but if you really want to be kinder to the environment, swap your plastic bottle for a good old fashioned glass that you refill at the office water cooler. Instead of having your daily coffee / tea in a disposable, why not buy a reusable mug – there are so many coffee shops offering rewards in exchange for the purchase of a branded reusable cup. And bringing your lunch to work in reusable containers is a sure fire way of reducing physical waste and being kinder to the environment.

Looking for office space?

View The Odeon Rooms by Gray Office Park!



Contact us today for more information on available office space here at Gray Office Park

Phone 091 511 400

Business tips for startups

So long 2018! Bring on 2019 at Gray Office Park!

Our team grew in 2018!

2018 saw our sister company ‘Call Pal’ grow from strength to strength – in more ways than one. We expanded our team here at Gray Office Park– welcoming four new team members. Our new marketing strategist Emla flew straight in from New Zealand to cater to your business needs, while Donna hailed from Scotland to manage the office. Marie and Stephanie just came from up the road but the thought was there! Such an expansion to the team meant that we could cater to thirty-five new businesses over two locations in an our ever efficient manner.


We also expanded!

The steady growth of Gray Office Park’s foundational premises in just under a decade meant that the opportunity and necessity to expand was inevitable. In September of this year, we opened the doors to our new office space ‘The Odeon Rooms’. The Odeon Rooms are our unique, high-end serviced office facility located right in the heart of Galway – and housed in one of the city’s most famous landmark buildings!

Are you looking for premium office space?  Contact us today!

Phone us! 1890 511 400 


Cope drive Christmas tree

We remembered to give back to local charities.

Each year, we here at Gray Office Park design our very own Christmas card for all of our friends and serviced office clients. For every card we sent out we donated €2 to a great charity. This year we donated to the very deserving Rosabel’s Rooms. Their aim is to facilitate the development of family-friendly bereavement suites in hospital emergency departments around Ireland, which will provide comfort and dignity for families following the loss of a loved one will facilitate direct financial support to families.

If you would like to donate to  The Rosable’s Rooms do so here

We also collected for COPE Galway who are an amazing local organisation with over 150 volunteers and 120 staff members. COPE offer support services for individuals and families who are affected by homelessness, to women and children experiencing domestic abuse and to older people in the community. COPE asked for donations of Gift Vouchers & Toiletries – and the elves here at Gray Office Park delivered.

If you would like to donate to COPE Galway please do so here

We did our best to train and take part in The Galway Bay Marathon 2018 to raise money for Cancer Care West! With over 3,000 participants each year entering the race it was a great day out and it is safe to say there were a few wobbly legs the next day.

Charity run

staff Gray office park drinks

We celebrated and gave back to our staff and clients.


We work hard but we play harder. We give back to our staff all year round with in-house lunch treats, staff activities and the much needed nights out. Our clients are often invited to join in on the fun – they attended The Odeon Rooms launch party and joined us this Christmas for some well-deserved drinks and nibbles.

Gray Office Park Team

We look forward to our new adventures!

We won’t give too much away BUT we can disclose this coming year will be even busier than the last. We will see growth and expansion across our serviced office locations. The Odeon Rooms were so sought after, and we hate to leave Galway’s busiest professionals disappointed – so we decided this year we will open a new floor of serviced offices! Watch this space.

Sleepless cover

Friday Feature – Introducing Sleepless


Who are Sleepless?

Sleepless Server Solutions is an online cloud and datacentre services company based in Galway, Ireland. They specialise in the supply, delivery and management of online infrastructure and data storage solutions to companies in every industry vertical across the globe.  At Sleepless, they believe in commitment to service delivery excellence and it is this commitment which allows Sleepless to stand out as the partner of choice.

The key benefit of partnering with Sleepless is that they allow our customers to concentrate on managing their business rather than their IT systems.  Traditional “non-cloud” IT systems require significant investment and maintenance along with choosing the right technologies. Sleepless helps to remove this burden.


How can Sleepless help you?

Sleepless specialise in the supply, delivery and management of online infrastructure and data solutions to companies across the globe. Their commitment to service delivery excellence enables their customers to concentrate on managing their businesses rather than their IT systems.

Sleepless believe things work best when they work as one. This is why they believe in the power of the cloud to deliver scalable, tailored solutions without the need for substantial initial investment or configuration. Get in touch today to find out how the cloud can transform your business and leave you with fewer sleepless nights.


Find out what Sleepless customers have to say about the service!

Want to learn more? Contact Sleepless today.

Sleepless Disaster recovery

Found out more

data and protection with sleepless

Found out more

cloud backup with sleepless

Found out more



Mail Handling Service

Looking to move in 2019? Join Gray Office Park!

We want you and your business to be prepared for the busy year ahead. Please take our business tips on board – we know what we’re doing!

Tip #1: Have a business space you can be proud of.

We want to give your business access to a high quality office space and location enabling your business to flourish and grow. That is why we are inviting you to view our beautiful vacant offices in our city centre locations. To arrange a viewing, contact us on 091 511400.

Tip #2: Choose a business space that can help you out.

Our office spaces are renowned for their beauty but you may not have heard about all the added features. You avail of our utilities at no extra cost, of our in-house receptionist and of our mail-handling service. We can also introduce you to our life-saver sister company Call-Pal – who will take your calls and messages while you get down to the nitty gritty of your business.

Tip #3: Pick a business space that provides high end support.

 We, with the support of our sister companies,  Avita Communications and Sleepless Server Solutions, we take pride in providing our offices with the support they need. Avita Communications provide an expert telecommunications service as well as providing companies with top of the range Hybrid Phone systems and WiFi Networks. Sleepless Server Solutions is Ireland’s leading cloud and data services provider. They provide a host of products including Cloud backup solutions and specializes in Microsoft products. Relax knowing your business is in safe hands.

Contact us today to view your new office space with Gray Office Park

Click on the images below and view our available office space!

The Odeon Rooms


Call us on 091511400

This weeks Blog Spot was brought to you by:


Marie McDonagh

Meet the team

Meet The Team: Lucia

Meet the team - Call Pal Call Answering




Welcome to Meet the Team Monday! Every Monday we’ll be giving you a bit of behind the scenes access to the people that make Gray Office Park happen. We have asked each member of staff to give us a quick bio on themselves and for a bit of added fun we also asked them a number of quick fire  random questions. This week we introduce to you, Lucia!

This week we are focusing on Lucia


Originally from Zimbabwe, Lucia has become ‘a part of the furniture’ so to speak in Gray Office Park having been a part of the team for over the past 3 years. With a background that includes retail and beauty, she is also well known for her musical and acting abilities which have brought her across the globe. She considers it a distinct pleasure to be part of such a professional, hardworking and fun team that is continually growing and changing.



Q:If you could buy any type of food (right now) what would you buy?

Chowder – it’s freezing and a good day for it


Q: What colour is your tooth brush?

Green and white (I think!)


Q:If you could be any animal what would it be and why?

A black Arabian stallion – horses are my favourite animals and I’ve always wanted a black Arabian stallion….go figure!


Q:What is one of the things you would put on your “bucket” list?

I’ll give you 3 for the price of one: a trip around the world with a bungee jump, skydive and abseiling thrown in somewhere along the way!


Q:Who is your favourite super hero and why?

Currently Okoye from Black Panther. She is fierce, smart, has some of the best one liners in the movie and stops a massive rhinoceros that her husband sets on her with a single look. Impressive.

Avita Feature Friday

Feature Friday – Introducing Avita Communications

Avita Feature Friday

We are running a feature every Friday here at Gray Office Park where we will be sharing a bit more about clients and local businesses we work with. This week we spoke with the team over at Avita Communications who provide Gray Office Park clients with high-end telecommunications support.

Who are Avita Communications?

Avita specialise in the installation, support and management of:

• Hybrid Phone Systems

• Traditional Phone Systems

• Hosted Phone Systems

• Unified Communication Solutions

• Advanced Contact Centre Solutions

• Wired & Wireless Networks as well as Voice, Data & Cloud services to businesses of all sizes throughout Europe.

Since their launch in 2010, their customer base has grown to over 750 customers, a large portion of which lies within the Hospitality, Construction, Manufacturing and Education Industries.


Avita Communcations and Alcatel-Lucent attend the Irish Hotel Federation Showtel 2019!

Avita stand 63

Avita along with our partners Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise showcased the latest advances in hospitality technology at this years Irish Hotels Federation Conference and Trade Exhibition – Showtel. The event took place in the Gleneagle Hotel & INEC, Killarney, Co. Kerry on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th March 2019.

If you would like to learn about the latest technologies Avita Communications have to offer please contact one of the team members today.

Read more


Gray Office Park Newsletter – December 2018


2018 has been a landmark year for Gray Office Park. We have grown our reception team to 8 strong members, we saw expansion in our marketing division and, most notably, we launched The Odeon Rooms. The Odeon Rooms is our unique, high-end serviced office facility located right in the heart of Galway – and housed in one of the city’s most famous landmark buildings! In this month’s newsletter, we will be celebrating the highlights of 2018 and giving you an exciting preview of what’s on the horizon for 2019!

We also want to send out a warm welcome to all of our old and new Gray office Park Clients and wish you all the very best for 2019!

Celebrate Good Times – Our Christmas Party

We definitely do not abide by an all work, no play policy here at Gray Office Park and our Christmas Party this year was no exception!

We got together with our sister companies Call Pal, Avita Communications and Sleepless for a great night out in celebration of another great year.


staff Gray office park drinks

Gray Office Park Drinks!

gray office park drinks

 Rachael Gray and the team celebrated the end of another great year at Gray Office Park with clients, staff and friends over a few drinks and nibbles at Hyde Bar, Foster Street on the 21st December. It was great to see so many familiar faces.

Gray office park drinks 2

Tis the Season to be Giving!

Christmas carries huge anticipation when it comes to the gifts we may receive but it is also about giving to those who need it most!

Each year, we here at Gray Office Park design our very own Christmas card for all of our friends and serviced office clients. For every card we send out we donate €2 to a great charity. This year we will be donating to the Rosabel’s Rooms.

If you would like to support this amazing organisation, donate here.

Gray Office Park Giving Tree

Over the past few weeks we have been receiving donations to put under our Gray Office Park Giving Tree for COPE Galway.

We want to say a big thank you to all of those who have given generously, all your gifts will be passed over to those in need this Christmas!

If you would like to donate or learn more about all the hard work COPE Galway do each year, click here

Cope drive Christmas tree



Meet The Team Monday


Meet the team Gray Office Park


Each week we run a Meet The Team Monday via social media where we share a bit more information about each of our staff members here at Gray Office Park. Learn more about the team

Meet The Team here!

Feature Friday

Feature Friday

We are running a feature every Friday here at Gray Office Park where we will be sharing a bit more about our clients and the local businesses we work with! Have a look at our latest features for Digital Training Institute , Cornmarket and Ian J Foley Solicitors.

Follow us on our social media outlets such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin to learn more about our Gray Office Park community!

Would you like to take part in our Feature Friday and share more about your business? Contact us today! Phone 091511400

 Gray Office Park #blogspot

The Odeon Rooms

Why move your business to Gray Office Park? We have listed 5 of the many reasons why Gray Office Park is ideal for any business! Read our latest blog for more details.

The Odeon Rooms Opening Night

We have a lot to celebrate here at Gray Office Park with our team continuing to grow as well as the launch of our newest facility, The Odeon Rooms in the heart of Galway City. After all – a picture is worth a thousand words! With the opening of nine new office spaces at The Odeon Rooms, we have welcomed new clients to the Gray Office Park team this year.

Coming Soon!

We are very excited to announce that we will be expanding again in 2019 as we take over another floor in Odeon House! Construction and design is currently underway. We are very excited to share the progress Contact us for more information and office space availability.

First floor ODeon



Thank You!

Gray office park thankyou

As we come to the close of another year, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you in 2019!

Gray Office Park

Meet the team

Meet The Team: Michael

Meet the team


Welcome to Meet the Team Monday! Every Monday we’ll be giving you a bit of behind the scenes access to the people that make Gray Office Park happen. We have asked each member of staff to give us a quick bio on themselves and for a bit of added fun we also asked them a number of quick fire  random questions. This week we introduce to you, Michael!

Michael Mullins

This week we are focusing on Michael. 


Michael Mullins is a Galway Native. When he is not answering the phones for CallPal he is designing and making hats. Always the most stylish and dapper in the office. Remember – “You can never be overdressed or overeducated” 😉






Q:Chocolate or caramel?

Chocolate and caramel make a better combo!!



thank you




Q: What impresses you?

Integrity  – The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely nothing



Q:Where were you two years ago?

Working as a milliner and designer




Q:Where will you be in three-years?

MTV with Lucia 😊

Digital Training Feature

Feature Friday – Introducing Digital Training Institute

Digital Training Feature

We sat down with the talented Joanne Sweeney from Digital Training Institute for a chat about what she has been up to! Joanne has been apart of the Gray Office Park community for a while now and as 2018 has been a huge year for her we wanted to hear all the latest news.

2018 was a bold year


This year I niched down at Digital Training Institute. I was brave and bold as I pivoted to specialise in the Government and public sector by creating  sub-brand called Public Sector Marketing Pros. I’ve been providing digital marketing and social media consulting and training for 10 years, but this year was about setting my business up to scale. 


Any good digital marketer knows that to scale online, you need a solid niche. I’ve always worked with public sector and in fact three years ago wrote a book on how police forces use social media. 


I also published a book, launched a 12-month accredited Diploma in Digital Communications for Public Sector, hosted a sell-out national conference in Dublin, researched, wrote and launched a national report, spoke on stages in Brussels, London and across Ireland and reached 123 podcast episodes. 


But I’m just warming up. 


2019 will be about leveraging


With two Public Sector Digital Marketing Summits planned for next year – February in Brussels and June in Dublin – I’m going to be leveraging the hard work put in this year. I plan to scale my online business and get greater exposure in new markets like the US and Australia. 


Quickfire Questions!


What is the most rewarding part about the work you do?

I love teaching and empowering people with the knowledge I have. I believe in transformation and I practice what I preach. My business gives me many remarkable opportunities to speak on stage and work with international governments and public sector bodies. 


What has been  a highlight for 2018 for you?

It’s probably got to be hosting Ireland’s first Public Sector Digital Marketing Summit at the Round Room in the Mansion House in Dublin. It was over-sold and I got remarkable feedback. Watch the video below. 


What do you love most about Galway?

I love Galway because it’s my home, even though I’m from Donegal. I came here as a teenage parent in 1997 with a 2-year-old daughter. Galway has been very good to me and I have a strong sense of connection with it. I also love to live by the sea, as I grew up by the sea. 


What is your favourite thing about Christmas?

Time off and spending quality time with my two children. It’s also my birthday on New Year’s Eve, so I’m always off work to celebrate.