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Productivity and your Startup

Stay Productive with Your Startup

Honestly speaking, starting a business is no mean feat. Startup CEOs face overwhelming workloads that can make it difficult to remain focused and productive. Below are some tips to help you prioritise the main things in your business and find the assistance you need for the little things that can rob you of precious time and resources.

Make your goals smart and specific

Agreeing on a small, finite number of goals will firstly make sure that you and your partners are singing off the same hymn sheet. It will also make it easier for you, your team and your partners to manage the ever changing priorities that are so common for emerging startups.

Be open

Having frank, open meetings with your entire team on a regular basis is so vital as it allows you to celebrate your successes as well as discuss your failures. Doing this as a collective allows you to make ‘failing forward’ one of your essential company values.

Make regular team meeting a priority

Holding weekly or daily meetings keeps your team up to date with company’s performance and status. It also gives you an opportunity to analyse how your team are responding to these regular updates as you can observe their body language and emotions. By giving continuous feedback, you have a better chance of keeping your team united and progressing in the same direction.

Stay healthy

The powers that be have finally agreed that working around the clock and taking your work home with you are habits that do not necessarily increase your productivity. More often than not they lead to burnout and all kinds of stress related physical symptoms. Daily exercise, reading, staying in touch with family and friends – these are all essential to maintaining high productivity levels and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

It’s the little things that matter

Here at Gray Office Park we understand that time and money are often in short supply when you are starting a business. Not only that, staying on top of your workload, incoming post and calls, tending to voicemails etc can be practically impossible at the best of times. And yet having a full time secretary in the beginning stages of your business might not be a financially feasible option. A virtual office / assistant means that you potentially have access to a wide range  of resources including a prestigious local business address, a dedicated PA answering your calls in your company name and taking messages relating to the same, mail handling etc without the high costs of hiring a full time secretary.

Find out more about Gray Office Park’s Virtual Office services by clicking the contact button below or call us on (091) 511 400.

And be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter , InstagramLinkedIn and Google+ for more business tips, updates and posts!

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