Gray Office Park Feature Friday Introducing GK Media
Connacht Rugby GK Media

Each week we like to reach out to those who are a part of the Gray Office Park Community to learn more about their business and how they assist their clients and customers. This week we caught up with GK Media based in Galway.

Tell us a bit more about GK Media

GK Media was set-up in 2013, by Garry Kelly, with the aim of producing professional quality digital content and providing marketing solutions for SMEs throughout Ireland and the UK comprising of videos, podcasts, graphic design, brand engagement, brand experience, social media training, marketing consultations, and marketing campaigns.

We are one of the few marketing agencies that provide an in-house professional suite of digital media content service. We invest time in active-listening and learning about our clients needs to develop and produce customised content and execute marketing campaigns to suit the needs of each business.

Today we have over 50+ ongoing clients and here are just some of the many services we provide…


  • Corporate Videos

  • Live Streaming

  • Drone Photography

  • Graphic Design

  • Podcasting

  • Marketing Consultations

  • Marketing Campaigns (Digital, AdWords, Print, & Radio)

  • Social Media Workshops

Quickfire Questions with Garry

GK Media

As a member of the Gray Office Park Community, how do you find this benefits you?

In business it’s essential to surround yourself with the right people. Working alongside creative entrepreneurs provides a great space to share and discuss ideas, whilst giving you that extra drive and support to turn those ideas into reality. There’s a great community spirit among the Gray Office Park Community. It has both professionalism and humility in the perfect balance.

What is the most rewarding part about the work you do?

We often say that every day is different. Not one day is the same because we offer a variety of services with a broad spectrum of clients. We also work on a series of projects each week so different departments could be producing a video, whilst others are designing online courses, some are helping out SMEs with marketing consultations, and I could be working on a podcast with a client. And then there’s a constant run of web designing and graphic designing taking place in the background. It’s great as the weeks are so dynamic and challenging and there’s a great energy amongst the team.

What do you love most about Galway?

I love it’s attitude of embracing so many new things. Always willing to try something new, be challenged and not set in our ways. It’s a great city where both big businesses and small businesses can work alongside each other in a community environment without egos getting in the way. It’s a small city with a big heart and ideal for those starting a business, a career, or even a family.

What is your goal for 2019? Personal or business related!

GK Media started off producing digital content but now we are offering so much more like web designs, graphic designs, marketing consultations, social media workshops, drone photography, 4K videos, etc so I want us to continue to grow our services, our online offerings and our calibre of clients. My aim is that we become a one-stop shop for all SMEs offering them a suite of essential media and marketing services.

Later this year we are planning a sequence of online courses and support for our online business community. Anyone who is interested in finding out more can email

Contact GK Media today

 091-564870 or 01-5390036