Gray Office Park Feature Friday

Introducing Lisa Regan PR

Lisa Regan PR

Each week we like to reach out to those who are a part of the Gray Office Park Community to learn more about their business and how they assist their clients and customers. This week we caught up with Lisa Regan PR based in Galway.

Tell us a bit more about Lisa Regan PR

LIsa Regan PR photo

Drawing from my knowledge of social media best practices, I develop a unique, individually tailored social media strategy for each of my clients, using an understanding of their goals for being on social media, target demographics and brand identity. I create and manage all social media accounts including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram and Google+ for my clients. This includes developing and posting content, and following and interacting with other accounts.In addition to managing the most popular social media accounts on my clients’ behalf, I also closely monitor trends in the industry to determine if new social media products might be right for them.


Quick-fire Questions with Lisa

As a member of the Gray Office Park Community, how do you find this benefits you?

Brilliant to be able to connect with such a varied group of businesses and people that use the space and the community in itself.

What is the most rewarding part about the work you do?

When people come to me with their business idea and plan, full of passion and drive. To then take all that they have created and turn it into a story, a brand and to introduce that to the public mainframe – that is the most rewarding thing and communicating the brilliance of what people are doing everyday.

What do you love most about Galway?

Its size. I love how we are 5 minutes from the sea, there are mountains 40 minutes away and there is a thriving social scene mixing music, food and cafe culture in Galways westend. That is the best in the world.

What is your goal for 2019? Personal or business related!

To drive more businesses in a sustainable way. Each one of us has a duty to ourselves and this world to be better at what we do. Stop taking shortcuts – ask questions around what impact we are having on our environments and take action. We can all be agents of change. Positive and progressive people can do great things.

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LIsa Regan PR photo