Feature Friday – Pensions And Finance

Each week we like to reach out to those who are a part of the Gray Office Park Community to hear more about their business! This week we had a chat with Ronan Bray from Pensions And Finance. Learn more about Pensions And Finance and how they can help you.

Who are Pensions And Finance?

Pensions And Finance offer broad based professional financial advice with a specialty in pre and post retirement planning.  In addition to advising on life assurance cover, we also offer advice on investments and deposit accounts.

When you are ready to look for life assurance, investments, pensions, income protection, critical illness cover and good deposit rates we are here to go around the market on your behalf and select the correct options for you. We also offer a review service where we can look at your life cover, savings and pensions and comment on their suitability and cost efficiency.

Our focus is on adding value to the client, and at all times, we are conscious of structuring solutions in a tax efficient manner!

Pensions and Finance Logo


Quickfire Questions with Ronan

Ronan Bray – Pensions and Finance


What is a highlight for you in being a part of the Gray Office Park Community?

Working from our base at Gray Office Park provides us with a great location that clients can access easily.  The diversity in the businesses here in Gray Office Park always makes for interesting conversation around the lunch breaks and provides plenty of “water cooler talk”.

What is the most rewarding part about the work you do?

Getting people to start thinking about their finances and putting long term financial plans is key to what we do at Pensions And Finance.  There is a huge satisfaction in seeing people get to grips with their finances and taking control of their money.

Another rewarding part of the business is the whole retirement process where clients finally see the value and benefit of the saving throughout their working life and how this now provides them with financial security, a tax free lump sum and income for the rest of their life.

What was a highlight of 2018 for you? 

2018 was a good year for the business and with the continued recovery in the economy more and more people are looking at their finances and planning for a secure future, this is great news for Pensions And Finance.  2018 was also interesting from the point of view that we took on our first client born in the ‘90s.  A young guy, born in 1990, started on the financial planning journey with an overall review of his position and clarification of future goals.

What are your goals for 2019? Personal or business related!

For 2019 we are continuing to provide a personal service to those who are interested in managing their finances and look forward to growing the business with the addition of new clients.  On a personal level I would hope to try learn to play the piano, I did it as a child but would need to start again!

What do you love most about Galway?

Having worked away for a good number of years I was very glad to return to Galway in 1998.  Galway is a great city to do business in, people are very open and one of the really lovely things is the diversity of people who come to use our services.


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Contact Pensions And Finance today! 

Rona Bray - Pensions and finance

Telephone: 091 511 447
Mobile: 087 9828 742
Email: info@pandf.ie