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Hosting Busienss Events with a Difference

Hosting Business Events with a Difference

Hosting A Successful Business Event

Traditionally, regular business events followed a standard model that involved room hire, expensive catering and even covering accommodation for several hundred attendees. Webinars and online business talks have changed the way we do business meetings on a large scale. Being a relatively new phenomenon, it can be hard to decide exactly what you need to make an online business talk / presentation a success particularly if your conferencing software has been limited to use during meetings. Here are some pointers to help make your online business talk that much easier.

Be specific

Even with the fanciest, most advanced conferencing software in the world, it is virtually useless if it isn’t correctly configured or lacks the hardware to back it up. Fortunately, most modern conferencing software is compatible across commonly used hardware and software. High speed, reliable internet is a must as are a good quality camera and microphone. Your viewers are bound to become frustrated if they cannot hear or see you due to an internet connection that is constantly dropping or a poor quality camera and microphone. If it is feasible, a good idea is to have a technician on site especially if you are using specialist hardware. Otherwise, you should be able to solve any IT issues that arise yourself provided you have the right software and hardware for the job.

Get visual

Rarely do people want to listen to a single person talk for a long time even if what they are saying is compelling or they themselves are fascinating speakers. Supporting live stream videos and supporting visuals will make your broadcast much more interesting, informative, memorable and give it the personality it needs to keep your listeners and viewers engaged.

Tell the world

It sounds obvious, but strong pre-event advertising is crucial to the success of your event. Social media is universally acknowledged as one of the most powerful tools for generating interest in an upcoming event. Email, print media and even the age old art of picking up your phone and inviting someone to your event are also powerful tools to ensure your meeting is well attended.

Press Record

There will always be a percentage of your invited list that will be unable to attend to your online talk – they could be working, living in a different time zone etc. For these reasons you want to be able to make your event available to view for anyone that would have shown an interest in your talk or needs to see it. With video sharing websites like YouTube and Vimeo, this has become much easier. In fact, the world’s largest companies constantly market through their YouTube accounts.

Have a plan

It would never cross your mind to attend a critical sales meeting without being well prepared for it. Your online conference / business talk should be no different. You will need to have any invitations for keynote speakers sent well in advance of the event, all your supporting visuals or documentation well prepared as well as a carefully planned itinerary so your guests will know how long the event will run for. An itinerary is particularly important to ensure that neither you or any invited keynote speakers talk for too long.

Aside from the obvious differences, there are some fundamental similarities between online and in person events. And as long as you have planned and marketed effectively and make your presentation engaging and informative, it will be a success.

Thanks for reading this week’s Gray Office Park blog post! Be sure to drop by next week for our newest blog post and follow us on FacebookTwitter, InstagramLinkedIn and Google+ for all our latest news, lettings and updates.

Living The Dream

Living the Dream

Dreaming Big

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with it. But there’s often a seemingly massive, insurmountable gap between the reality you are living now and the realisation of your ultimate dream. The truth is, the gap between where you are now and the dream is going to require work – hard work. And if you’re feeling overwhelmed and unsure of where to start, don’t worry. Here are some basic steps you can take to get you started…


Do You Know Exactly Where you Want to Go?

You’ve admitted it – you want that future dream to be a reality. But what does that reality actually consist of? Vision is key and to make it clearyou may have to ask yourself some serious questions – what needs to be added to / subtracted from your life to create a happy lifestyle for yourself? What new activities do you need to include in your daily routine? How will you act and will you see yourself in a different, more positive light? Go deep and be specific.


Where Are You Now?

No one ever embarks on a journey without knowing how much fuel they have in their car and living the dream won’t happen without you knowing how much work lies between who you are now and the absolutely-amazing you. It might be a difficult thing to do but you have to ask, ‘Why am I not living my dream now?’ Do you feel you are in a good, well balanced place emotionally? Does your family play a significant enough role in your life? What community are you surrounded by? Maybe the bottom line is you feel you could do better with your career – but the question is, have you actually stepped outside your comfort zone and proactively done something about it? Defining what is not your dream will help you determine what needs to change to achieve your vision.


Get Connected

It is true that the onus is on you to make your dreams a reality – but you won’t get very far trying to go it alone altogether. There is an old African proverb that says, ”If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together.’ If you’re naturally introverted or just extremely busy, it’s easy to become isolated and forget to reach out to others. This can really stunt your efforts as, regardless of how experienced you are, how can you get to were you want to be if no one knows you, recommends you or introduces you to a new opportunity? As we said earlier, clarify your vision – but then reach out to others – it’s good for accountability and potential collaborations.


So get ready….2017 is YOUR year to make your dreams come true!


At Gray Office Park, we are dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals and dreams with the services we offer at our Galway City Centre premises. To find out how we can help you, contact us on (091) 511 400 or email us at

You can also follow us on all our social media platforms including Facebook, TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Google+ to keep up to date with all our latest news.

Mail Handling Service

Making Specs for 2017

Making Space for 2017

As many of us gladly wave goodbye to the trying and often shocking year that was 2016, we look with fervent hope into 2017 believing that it will be better. As is the usual trend, we are eager to make a fresh start, make significant changes and see a difference in our lives for this New Year. And whilst big changes may be the desired outcome, those big changes are often facilitated by several smaller, incremental changes – like the ones we can make to our workspaces that can help us think more clearly and subsequently work more efficiently. And yes, we are talking about simple ways to declutter your work space and add some life to it so you can be re-energised for the New Year. Let’s start by…

1. Adding some clarity

Spring cleaning can be hugely satisfying but why wait until spring to get it done? Why not start now? The beginning of a new year is a perfect time to declutter your space for new exciting things at work. A Princeton University study showed that, ‘physical clutter int your surroundings competes for your attention resulting in decreased performance and increased stress.’ Basically, clutter is not good for your body, mind or career. So let’s get decluttering, shall we!

2. Bring in some colour

Colours have an overall effect on our mood and productivity in both positive and negative ways. Green and blue are known to induce greater productivity and efficiency in the workplace while yellow is said to trigger innovation and is best used in work environments where creative professionals such as  artists, designers and writers work. For an energy boost or to heighten your attention to detail, consider adding some red to your work surroundings. More subdued colours like grey and white tend to have a more negative effect on people psychologically and should be avoided or used sparingly.

3. Put some life into it!

Looking at a drab, lifeless desk day in, day out is not good for anyone. Fresh flowers and small green potted plants (remember the colour green increases productivity and efficiency) will give your desk a bit of life. Even better is the fact that green plants reduce sickness, clean the air and reduce stress.

4. Be inspired

It might be a bit of a cliche but adding some inspirational elements to your workspace that encourage and motivate you to ‘reach for the stars’ so to speak can be a very positive thing. Having a few inspirational quotes around you can make a huge difference when the going gets tough or you’re just having one of those days…

5. Get personal

It’s estimated that you’ll spend about one third of your life working so making your workspace feel a little more homely can’t be any harm. Arranging and decorating your cubicle or office to your liking can make for a happier, less stressful work environment for yourself. Add some pictures of family and friends and maybe even hang some artwork if there is room for it. You could even add office supplies that are more appealing to your desk. Considering you will spend so much time at work, adding your personal style to your cubicle or office can help you feel more connected to your space and actually make you WANT to be at your desk day after day throughout the year.

We hope our post has been helpful and inspires you to turn your workspace into a more ‘you’ space so to speak.

At Gray Office Park we love making our clients feel at home whether they are renting one of our office spaces or hiring one of our high end boardrooms. Why not give us a call to find out more about our office space available to rent  or our boardroom facilities.

You can also stay up to date with all our latest news and offers by following us on FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and Google+. See you soon with our next blog post!

Coffee with work friends

The Weekend Routine

The Weekend Routine

As an entrepreneur, working long, hard hours comes with the territory. Fueling those tough Monday to Friday schedules with a healthy weekend routine is essential. Here are some tips you might find useful in building healthier weekend habits.


1. Spend some time just you…. and just YOU!

Having time on your own gives you an opportunity to resolve problems, clear your thoughts and plan where you want or need to be in the future. If you love putting pen to paper, it can be a great time to journal or free write. Free writing can shed light on your future direction, help you find new goals and lead you to conclusive, clear resolutions to problems.


2. Have a device-free day

Having a device free day is great for your physical and mental well being. Our 21st century habit of being constantly connected to our email, social media and places we visit regularly online can greatly reduce your energy levels and creativity. Letting go of your mobile devices for a day means you live life ‘in the moment’ so to speak, giving way to fresher mindsets and increased productivity.


3. Find a recharge routine

It’s important to find a weekend routine that leaves you feeling recharged and revitalised. Exercise, learn a new skill unrelated to your business or job, spend time with family and friends – whatever it is, having a regular weekend ritual can leave you invigorated and motivated for the following week. Like any car, you cannot go far on empty hence why refueling and recharging over the weekend is so important.


4. Reflection

Reflection on the previous week reveals what went right as well as what went wrong and allows you to make a decision on what activities to maintain and what activities to let go of. It also enables you to set goals that will bring you a greater level of success the following week.


5. Plan the week ahead

Sunday is the ideal day to draw up a plan for the week ahead. Reflection on your previous week gives you a comprehensive idea of what goals need to be set and accomplished for the week ahead. You can and should use this time to schedule phone calls, meetings and important tasks. Planning your entire week ahead to the best of your ability helps safeguard you against missed opportunities, costly mistakes and leaves you ahead of the game on Monday morning.


Now that we have your weekend routine sorted, why not let us help you with the Monday to Friday aspect of your business. Call us now on (091) 511 400 to arrange a viewing of our latest office rental, meeting rooms or to find out more about our virtual office services.

Follow us on all our social media platforms including FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and Google+ for all our latest news and updates.

Temporray office rental space galway city

The Gray Office Park Advantage

The Gray Office Park Advantage

Online business are certainly a force to be reckoned with – the majority, however, still have physical headquarters. Having your organisation based in an office facility raises the credibility of your business substantially. But not all office spaces are created equally. Ideally, when you are ready to, you want to move your business into a fully serviced office facility and Gray Office Park, with its central Galway location, offers just that. So what exactly are the advantages of having your base in Gray Office Park? Well, once you move into Gray Office Park, your rental includes:

  • A fully furnished, individual office suite
  • 24 hour access to the premises, 7 days a week
  • Reception services that include telephone answering (Monday – Friday 9am – 5.30pm)
  • VoIP Alcatel Lucent Telephone System
  • Fibre powered broadband
  • On site car parking included
  • Free access to The Meeting Rooms @ Gray Office Park
  • Rates
  • Electricity
  • Heating
  • Service charges
  • Building Insurance
  • Network Maintenance
  • Alarm monitoring and CCTV
  • Cleaning of general areas
  • Waste disposal
  • Access to 2 canteens
  • Complimentary tea and coffee

We are delighted to have 2 offices coming to the market namely a one person internal office and a 3-4 person executive office with an external window.

So if you are ready to take the next step and move your business into a prestigious, Galway City Centre premises, we would love to hear from you.

For more information or to arrange a viewing, call us on (091) 511 400 or send an email to

Also, stay up to date with all our latest news and updates by following us on our social media platforms including FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and Google+.

Boardroom bookings at Gray Office Park

Laying the foundation for your next business important business meeting

Laying the Foundation for Your Next Important Business Meeting

If you have turned the dream of having your own  business into a reality, that is cause enough to congratulate yourself. The next big thing will be for you to start finding clients and this essentially means you’ll be planning and attending a plethora of business meetings to make connections and start generating some revenue. It’s important you don’t lose focus because, at the end of the day, time is money. Therefore, you need to make the most of your meetings as they are opportunities for growth and prosperity. In the words of Thomas Edison,’We should remember that good fortune happens when opportunity meets with preparation.’ With that in mind, here are some useful tips for your next big meeting.


Positivity First

Whilst the message of your meeting is very important, your attitude ahead of the meeting is especially important. Always go into your meetings or negotiations with an upbeat attitude. Tell yourself that you will make this the best possible deal for all parties. The thought that you will fail will probably lead to a self fulfilling prophecy. Rather try to use positive affirmations like,’This meeting WILL go well.’ And remember to smile and take a deep breath before going into the room.

Practice Your Public Speaking

Surprisingly enough, most people don’t give their public speaking any thought until they actually have to speak in public. Even with the support of the best prepared presentation, having rhetorical skills that are far from perfect could cause the meeting to suffer. Wherever possible, practice your public speaking skills especially if you have little confidence in them. Joining a society like Toastmasters or taking a public speaking course at a university will boost your confidence in meetings and make you feel more at ease with others. And this ultimately means that your business meetings will become more successful.

Determine the Purpose and Objective of Your Meeting

Always go into your meeting knowing what you want to achieve from your meeting. Is your ultimate goal to solve a client’s problem? Or maybe it’s to gain more notoriety in your industry. A clear goal will help you steer the meeting in the right direction. Ahead of the meeting, do your research. Read all the relevant documents, emails, trade journals etc. Set time boundaries for your meeting so you know how long it will last and have a plan for how you will set the tone and pace. And lastly, always go into your meeting with your own set of questions.

Assemble and Organise Your Equipment and Materials.

Maintaining a smooth even flow to your meeting is best achieved by organising your necessary supplies and equipment ahead of time. Print our any information that is on the meeting agenda so all attendees can follow along and fully participate. Also, inform participants if they need to bring any other materials. The key i snot to leave people guessing about why they are meeting you. Declare your purpose and be as prepared as possible. If you are using any sort of the electrical equipment or digital elements, make sure you know how everything works. Even more important is your certainty that everything ACTUALLY works ahead of your meeting. By eliminating technical problems you are sure to avoid any unnecessary stress. If you are hosting the meeting, arrive early to check the lighting and seating arrangements as as the room temperature. And as insignificant as it may seem, make sure that there are refreshments provided for everyone.

What’s Next?

Don’t leave your meeting without setting action times, assigning responsibility and following up. If you have met with a new or existing client, set a time and place for your next meeting and thank them for inviting you. It also never hurts to write a thank you note after an important meeting to leave your client with a good first impression

Find the Right Location

Should you be a home based business owner or have a virtual office, the location of your meetings is particularly important. Typically, the meeting place of choice for the mobile or home based CEO would be a hotel conference room but an upcoming trend is the use of boardrooms/meeting rooms within serviced office facilities. A perfect example are The Meeting Rooms @ Gray Office Park which are available to hire for businesses wishing to hold meetings in the Galway City area. The Meeting Rooms offer a host of benefits including complimentary wifi, free onsite parking, smart TV, whiteboard, telephone facilities and more.  With seating in each meeting room for 6-8 people,  you are guaranteed the privacy you need as well as facilities of the highest specification that are sure to enhance your meeting and give your business the gravitas and professional image it deserves.

Whether your meeting involves in house staff solely or extends to industry leaders, investors or clients, following these simple steps will help you attain and perhaps even exceed your meeting goals.


Hosting a meeting in Galway? Then why not give us a call on (091) 511 400 to book one of The Meeting Rooms @ Gray Office Park or to arrange a viewing.


Follow us on all our social media channels including FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn and Google+.

Mail Handling Service

Productivity and your Startup

Stay Productive with Your Startup

Honestly speaking, starting a business is no mean feat. Startup CEOs face overwhelming workloads that can make it difficult to remain focused and productive. Below are some tips to help you prioritise the main things in your business and find the assistance you need for the little things that can rob you of precious time and resources.

Make your goals smart and specific

Agreeing on a small, finite number of goals will firstly make sure that you and your partners are singing off the same hymn sheet. It will also make it easier for you, your team and your partners to manage the ever changing priorities that are so common for emerging startups.

Be open

Having frank, open meetings with your entire team on a regular basis is so vital as it allows you to celebrate your successes as well as discuss your failures. Doing this as a collective allows you to make ‘failing forward’ one of your essential company values.

Make regular team meeting a priority

Holding weekly or daily meetings keeps your team up to date with company’s performance and status. It also gives you an opportunity to analyse how your team are responding to these regular updates as you can observe their body language and emotions. By giving continuous feedback, you have a better chance of keeping your team united and progressing in the same direction.

Stay healthy

The powers that be have finally agreed that working around the clock and taking your work home with you are habits that do not necessarily increase your productivity. More often than not they lead to burnout and all kinds of stress related physical symptoms. Daily exercise, reading, staying in touch with family and friends – these are all essential to maintaining high productivity levels and maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

It’s the little things that matter

Here at Gray Office Park we understand that time and money are often in short supply when you are starting a business. Not only that, staying on top of your workload, incoming post and calls, tending to voicemails etc can be practically impossible at the best of times. And yet having a full time secretary in the beginning stages of your business might not be a financially feasible option. A virtual office / assistant means that you potentially have access to a wide range  of resources including a prestigious local business address, a dedicated PA answering your calls in your company name and taking messages relating to the same, mail handling etc without the high costs of hiring a full time secretary.

Find out more about Gray Office Park’s Virtual Office services by clicking the contact button below or call us on (091) 511 400.

And be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitter , InstagramLinkedIn and Google+ for more business tips, updates and posts!

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